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Using Kotlin on Server side


2 min readJul 31, 2020


Developer with an experience in Kotlin programming language has also as an advantage of building the backend services. This feasibility by the Kotlin helps any Android developers to look into this and enhance their skill further in building apps that connects with backend. In today’s article I will be explaining about the topics which I would be covering in the upcoming articles of this series with the examples.

Microservices & Serverless

I just want make a note that microservices which is an architectural approach whose purpose is to break down the large application into small services. Doing this will make the modules or services loosely coupled, re-usable an in faster deployment.

But in serverless we just have to attach a piece of code aka service in the cloud(AWS Lambda). Cloud provider will take care of running this service in the cloud/container, scaling it whenever it’s necessary and it is also cost effective. All we have to do here is to pay attention to the block of code we are implementing. Here we can also have API’s linked with AWS lambda functions using API gateway.


Using Kotlin we can build backend application and can be deployed in Heroku/AWS. I have already published an article on this In the next article I will be using http4k to perform some http operations along with AWS lambda functions.

Cheers… 😃😃




Mobile application engineer| Android tutor| Aviation Enthusiasts